06 March 2010

How to make the most of your internet

So, you may have seen my recent post as to how internet is probably slower than you think. So, here are some tips to get the most out of your broadband. I shall of course go into detail about each of the 3 tips I have listed just below.
  1. Use as many wires as possible
  2. Use a really quick browser
  3. Don’t do too much at once
You may think that using wires is a thing of the past. With wireless mouses and printers taking the place of your rollerball connected mouse and USB printer. But wires are proven to be the fastest way to transfer the internet from one place to another. Yes, a WiFi router does mean you can use your laptop around the house. But an ethernet cable instead of a router will make your internet so much faster. Remember how I got just under 2mbps through the WiFi router? Well I repeated the test plugged in and was getting close to 6mbps download speed.

Now, a really quick browser. You have a lot of choice in the department for quick browsers. But if you want a really quick browser then you should definitely use Google Chrome. It is so much quicker than everything else I’ve used. And I’ve use IE, Firefox, Safari and Opera. So, team that with a wired internet and you’re almost set to go.

You’re almost set to go because you should make sure you aren’t doing too much at once. Think about it, if you’re downloading an HD movie from iTunes then you’re not going to have as fast internet as if you’re not. So, do them at different times. Sure, it might not fit in with your life, but set up your movie to download over night and enjoy your super fast internet whilst you’re not dropping off.

So those are my three tips to making the most of your internet. Are you going to follow them? I can understand if you don’t like the 3rd one, but seriously, the 1st and 2nd are no-brainers.


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