05 March 2010

How fast is your broadband?

You see/hear adverts on the tv/radio/billboard-on-the-bus-stop all the time claiming to give you “super fast broadband at 20mbps” and all that. My broadband claims to give “up to 10*mbps” Notice the asterix? Well I thought it was slightly slower than normal so I gave it a test using an online checker. Now, I do have internet through a WiFi router which is a level below me in the house, but still, I’d expect it to be fast. So, I took the test and here are the results.


The test didn’t take long, at most a minute. But at least it showed me exactly what I was doing and didn’t really stop me from tweeting or checking my facebook. And the results were pretty shocking.

As you can see, I download at just under 2mbps. Upload is under 1mbps which I think is pretty bad. Although, this was the internet through a router which was downstairs from me. Now, you may be wondering how to make your internet a bit faster? Well, I shall be posting tips as to how to make the most of your internet.

-- Another result --

- Mark


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