The iPad has so far been a great hit in America. So great in fact, that it has
delayed the UK and Europe launch. However, what wasn't expected by many of us (
except Mark annoyingly), was that it would sell 1 million in 4 weeks. Sure, that's a mighty big number! However, there are bigger. Such as 12 million apps downloaded specifically for the iPad (12 per user if you're thick) and over 1.5 million eBooks from the iBookstore
alone. What I'm stressing, and I've got no solid facts, is that many more people will have used the Kindle app and used that to read books from. So, this LED screen is actually being read quite a bit. In other numbers, although not in millions but equally as impressive, the App store has over 200000 apps in it. That's a lot, almost 100 times the amount of apps an iPhone can hold when it's got the
OS 4 update. However, there is a number 0 for the iPad. And that is the number of people in the UK and Europe who have been able to go to an Apple store and buy one. That is what's stopping us getting hands on with it. Once it's out, we'll be getting hands on with it and delivering you a report, but that's not possible yet unfortunately.
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