12 April 2010


This isn’t going to be a particularly lengthy post because there’s not a great deal you can really say about Formspring, because the service itself really does not offer a great deal at all, and most of the time people only use it to pass the time during periods of boredom.

Formspring is a miniature social networking websites through which users get asked questions before answering them, posting the answers to other social networking websites, and then ask other users questions.

Questions can be asked anonymously or if you wish for your name to be known then make your own account and ensure you’re signed in when asking questions. Establish links to various other websites and your answers will be automatically shared with the world.

Your public profile consists of a single display image, perhaps a small snippet of information about yourself, and a long list of all the questions you’ve ever been asked and what the answers were. I can’t really say much more than that because essentially this is all Formspring consists of…

I’ll also mention the recent April Fool’s Day Formspring farce which was a classic case of a molehill rumour turning into a mountainous panic. Thousands of people believed Formspring would make users’ questions and answers publicly available and thus breach privacy laws.

I’ve got news for you all…

Not only did nil come of this rumour but your questions and answers are already publicly available on your Formspring profile; you can’t hide the damn things. So if you worried and fretted over this April Fool’s Day thing you may wish to take a closer look at Formspring itself…

My opinion of Formspring is that it’s a completely useless website which can be helpful for the sole purpose of passing the time when you have nothing better to do. But I do pity those poor souls who truly have nothing better to do and are forced to sink to such a miserable level of socialization.

Please leave comments sharing your ideas as to why people use Formspring.


Steve :)


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