04 February 2010

An idea for Microsoft Office

I have come up with loads of great ideas on this blog. Remember my ergonomic gaming idea which has caught on with Motorstorm Arctic Edge? Also my idea for augmented reality with humans? Well this post is in the same league. My idea is for Microsoft Office to follow on the idea which has taken web browsers by storm: tabbed browsing.

Obviously this won't be tabbed browsing, but tabbed reading. You see, what is really annoying when you have maybe two or three documents open and it clutters up your taskbar at the bottom. So, with my idea, this will be eradicated with a simple ribbon bar at the top which has all your current documents in it.

So yes, an ingenious idea. One that would make your taskbar look nice, neat and tidy. If Microsoft do take this idea on with Office 10, then I want to be in the advert saying I thought it up, because I did! More great ideas to come. But remember: it's elementary, my dear Watson.


MarkProvanP said...

Office 2010 is Office 14. 2007 was Office 12. Microsoft are triskaidekaphobic.

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