25 February 2010

Hands on with the Samsung H1 *updated*

After a comment that this original post wasn't thorough enough, here's a revised version of it which is a bit longer to make it a proper hands on of the H1. I should be able to get a full review up in a week or so which you should stay tuned for.

My sister just got a Samsung H1, and I've sneaked a few minutes with it and am able to give you a quick hands on review of it. Since I hope to get my own in 2 weeks time I'll save a full review with photos until then. The H1 is quite big, its 3.5" screen dominates the front and Vodafone emblems on the back. There are 3 hard buttons below the screen and these make the phone feel slightly longer than the iPhone. Setting up the phone is easy, with Wayne's YouTube tutorials making things a hell of a lot easier. The interface is nice and clean, but I'll not go into too much detail until I can deliver a full review in the future.

The screen is a capacitive one and is nice and responsive which makes it both easy to type on and easy to navigate around the phone. The camera is 5mp and is pretty good with a dedicated button on top. Vodafone 360 is different, and takes some getting used to, but it's worth it because the functionality it offers is fantastic.


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