For three days, I've been a Linux user. Yesterday I came across quite a disastrous issue with Mint 8 Helena which totally prevented me from using my computer and completely had me at a loss as what to do. It went something like this:
There I was browsing the web via Google Chrome and updating Linux through the intuitive update manager when suddenly the whole system locked up and I was forced into performing a hard shutdown. When I tried booting again I was met with the GNU GRUB operating system selection screen, on which I selected Mint, and then continued with the booting process.
For a few seconds the Mint logo appeared but one thing that didn't usually happen was the appearance of a disk checking utility at the bottom of the loading screen. After that came the following error:
'Mount of filesystem failed'.
I was at a total loss as to what I should do. The same screen said something about Ctrl D cancelling the shell check. So I tried that to no avail. Everything just started again and eventually I was left with a blank command line. Nothing was working.
Fortunately, I found a cure, and I wanna share this cure with you!
If you've experienced the same problem then follow these simple steps to fix it:
Turn off your PC and then turn it back on. Once you're at the GNU GRUB operating system selection screen make sure you choose Mint (Generic). Don't select Mint (Recovery). Wait for the 'Mount of filesystem failed' error to appear.
Hold Ctrl and press D.
Type the password you use to log into Linux.
When you see the name of your PC followed by a '#' symbol, type 'fsck', and then you should be greeted by a 'y/n' question. Type 'y'. For every single 'y/n' question after that make sure you type 'y'.
Eventually you'll come to the last question. Hold Ctrl and Alt and press Delete to reboot the computer. Choose Mint (Generic) at the GNU GRUB operating system selection screen. All should boot up normally.
I hope this helps – it certainly helped me!
These steps should also work with Ubuntu.
By Steve Wiilliams.
Yeah, Linux is a fail for me. I uninstalled it just a day after installing it. I'm considering something like Xubuntu but will probably stay with Vista.
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