24 January 2010

The future of CD players

(My iPod Dock)

CD players, many have them (myself included). Of late, though, I have started to use it less and less for one reason: I have an iPod dock. This means I can have any of 650 songs (I know, strange for a 4GB player that claims 1000 songs?) playing at once instead of 15 from a CD. Of course, the sound quality won't match that of a CD Player most of the time, but that's ok by me. Because CD players just look so dated now and iPod docks can look so good. I just think that CD players are going to slowly die away and let iPod docks rule the roost.

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Ray said...

that is what you called technology. how about cassette tape and its player, or walkman? I still use them ;D

SteveWiilliams said...

A bit of a retro man, are we? :P I like your style!

The oldest thing in my house (apart from my parents XD) would have to be a hi-fi system I have in my bedroom. It's so old the main selling point is that it can play, or rather, hold, 3 CDs at once.

Quite useful for not having to change CDs every half an hour!

James said...

I'm with the iPod dock forever more!

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