24 January 2010

DeskSpace – Expose for Windows

I don’t have a Mac. I know a lot of applications for making your Windows system look like a Mac so you can imagine my excitement when I heard about a Microsoft counterpart for Expose. DeskSpace is now a Windows counterpart for the Linux Compiz Fusion cube effect. But it used to be an Expose copycat.

So I downloaded the setup file and executed the installation process…

Fullscreen capture 24012010 024051 PM.bmp

Get to the next screen and you’re welcomed by the usual terms and conditions.

Fullscreen capture 24012010 024054 PM.bmp 

Then choose the location folder of the program files.

Fullscreen capture 24012010 024056 PM.bmp 

Choose whether to place a shortcut in the Quick Launch bar or on the desktop.

Fullscreen capture 24012010 024101 PM.bmp 

Then the installation of the program files initiates.

Fullscreen capture 24012010 024104 PM.bmp

It takes the best part of 15 seconds and then the installation process is finished.

Fullscreen capture 24012010 024112 PM.bmp

Then I launched DeskSpace.

Fullscreen capture 24012010 024128 PM.bmp 

Um… there seems to be something missing. Yeah, that’s right. This software is a complete and utter failure because it doesn’t even work. How on Earth am I supposed to be able to know what all of these options mean? I tried installing it on Vista, XP and 7, alas, to no avail.

I’m gonna give DeskSpace Expose a… 0/10. Because… you know…IT DOESN’T WORK.


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