22 March 2010

Review of the Samsung H1: Part 3 What it's like to live with

Well well, this is the last part of my review of my Samsung H1. In this final review, I shall basically tell you what it's like to live with so that you know whether you'd want to shell out for a 2 year contract with it. As you can see above, it's a simple phone to unlock, rather iPhone-esque, let's hope Apple don't sue them. Anyway, there is more than the lock screen which makes this an easy phone to live with.

One handy thing is that I can run certain applications as widgets in the background. Up top, I have Twitta running as a widget so I could also check my messages and return to the homescreen and have the latest tweets there. Useful, certainly. Beating a certain rival, definitely.

However, writing those tweets isn't easy because the keyboard isn't fantastic. I actually prefer the portrait to the landscape as it allows one handed typing but it needs its Auto-correct function as the keys are so small on a 3.5" device. That said, the XT9 on it is very good and handy and the capacitive screen makes for easy, non-stress typing.

The H1 doesn't even succumb to normal modern day smartphone problems. The battery life is acceptable by my standards, but I am used to a SE which does a week on the trot. However, this always internet-enabled phone gets at least 2 days of charge for me on pretty decent usage. I might use it for 2 hours of the day solidly and have it on for the rest but I still get decent battery. As the photo above shows, I have 3/5 bars and I had charged it 2 days before in the morning. So, another day from that charge is expected at the very least.  So, the Samsung H1, it's a fantastic phone. I definitely recommend you to upgrade to it if you're on Vodafone, or even switch to it on another network. It's that good.


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