22 March 2010

Picasa Slideshow for Google Chrome - Steve's Opinion

Fullscreen capture 21032010 220007.bmpPicasa plays a big part in my manipulation of photography. I used to have Photoshop installed but then my hard disk got wiped. I also gave GIMP a quick whirl but the interface didn’t really like me all that much. Picnik is quite nice but Picasa remains king in my eyes.

I also use Picasa Web for photo sharing. Take a picture, stick it in Picasa, edit it, save it and click the Upload button. Type in your sign-in details, click OK, give the album a name or select an existing one and you’re off. Your snaps will be uploaded in a matter of seconds.

Picasa Slideshow One

Yesterday I was delighted to hear of a rather neat Google Chrome extension. The simple named ‘Picasa Slideshow’ does what it says on the tin. Once installed, a small button will appear at the end of Chrome’s address bar. Open an album on Picasa Web, click the button and watch what happens.

Picasa Slideshow Two

You’ll see the first photo in the album appear before your eyes against a black background. Below it should be all the photos in the album arranged in a neat row. Usually, browsing photos on Picasa Web requires a brief pause between each snap. Picasa Slideshow eliminates these few seconds.

If you’ve ever used Cooliris, formerly Piclens, you’ll get the gist. It’s not as advanced and can’t manage 3D walls or news feeds, but it’s perfect for what it’s designed for. If your PC isn’t particularly fast Cooliris may crash your browser. That’s another advantage Picasa Slideshow has.

Sadly, I eventually uninstalled the extension. I already had Cooliris installed and I saw no point in having two extensions installed for the same purpose. Plus, Cooliris is far more advanced and generally looks a lot better. But I’d recommend giving Picasa Slideshow a whirl before judging!

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