31 December 2009

iTunes 12 days of Christmas: Day 6

iTunes 12 Days of Christmas

iTunes 12 Days of Christmas: Day 6

On the 6th day of Christmas iTunes gave to me...
Lesbian Vampire Killers - Rated 15 *

Click here to download your free film

This free download is available for 24 hours on December 31, 2009. iTunes 12 Days Of Christmas runs until January 6th.

For more information visit www.itunes12daysofchristmas.co.uk

* Suitable for 15 years and over

The Technokratos guide to buying HDMI cables.

This is the most simple guide you will ever read:

Buy the cheapest one possible.

See? That was simple. There is a very good reason for this, one that the Currys/Comet/PC World staff don't want you to know: there is no difference between cables. None at all, for the thing they are meant to do. Here's why:

HDMI is a digital standard, so there are only two possible signals that can come across each wire: 0 or 1, Low or High, ON or OFF. Simple as that, it doesn't matter whether the 1 signal is 0.1V off what it should be, it still counts as a 1. (The 0.1V difference can make a difference in analogue cabling, so for that the quality cable necessity has some, albeit very marginal, evidence). Even if the cable does cause a 1 to be corrupted as a 0, the HDMI specification means that there is error-correction so it will be corrected before it actually is made into video or audio. Also, by Monster Cable's logic (they make £110 HDMI cables and incentivise shop staff into making people pay for them), a 'poor quality' cable would produce unwatchable videos, and here's why:

HDMI can transmit xvYCC 16-bit video. If there was one bit error in this 16-bit signal, there are 16 different possibilities for the outcome. If the error bit was at the end, then there would be a decimal difference of 1 in the received signal. If the error bit was at the beginning, then it would be very different indeed: a decimal difference of 65536. Have you ever seen unwatchable video like this over any HDMI connection? I thought so too. To provide a 'test' to prove expensive cable's superiority over 'lesser' cables, they provide 'fair' demonstrations, like this:

Monster "HDMI Difference" scam still kickin' in Fry's Electronics - Engadget

So, for the TL;DR crowd: don't be fooled into HDMI cables that cost more than £10 at any costs; you can get £3 cables that work just as well. And probably better since they don't need to pay for marketing fluff.

Will there ever be an Apple Tablet?

Ok, my interpretation of what the Apple Table would look like isn't going to win any awards, or fool any viewers. This is not going to happen (my design) because it is boxy. And Apple don't like boxy, think of the iPhone 1st Gen, replaced by the 3G which had a curved back instead of boxy one. Same with the iPod and Mac and lots of stuff. I like boxy though, my iPod is, sort of. Computers are in a sense as well. So are televisions. Why not have the tablet boxy, it would be very unlike Apple though. So forget the picture, it was just a joke and a few fun hours on GIMP.

Rumours have been flying for months about this god forsaken item, and I'm beginning to wonder whether it will actually happen. For starters, Apple themselves have said nothing at all about it, and why should they?

Another reason is that it might conflict with their current products. You see, the iPod Touch and iPhone are marketed as pocket computers, which they are if you think long and hard enough. I can't see Apple contradicting their own products to bring in something that wouldn't benefit them as a company in terms of its hierarchy of products, it would bag them some money from tons of tech geeks, however.

The other thing is, that it would cost too much. The Archos 9 is $550, which is pretty dear for a touchscreen netbook. But this Mac would be much more expensive. It would cost at least $800 in my view, which would put it too near the cost of the entry level Macbook, and price itself out of contention with the other products on the market.

But fear not, because Axiotron have made the Mac tablet already. It is called the Modbook and fits the bill quite nicely. It is $699 for the basic version, or a grand more than that for the top model. So it is priced like Apple's version might, and is a total failure. Because the only people who would buy this are going to be total geeks, and total geeks wouldn't be enough to sustain its existence. It is also a hack, and frowned upon by many in the world. But who cares, because if you want a Mac tablet then this might well be as close as you're going to get.

30 December 2009

New Years: the worst time for mobile phones

It is commonly known that the mobile networks pretty much freeze up over New Years. This is because of the overload of people texting and phoning people to wish them a happy New Year as soon as it happens. New Years Day is a very busy day for shops such as The Carphone Warehouse because people are worried their phone is broken due to it not sending texts or receiving calls and such like. So, for the sake of the important calls such as emergency ones, leave out the pointless texts that nobody cares about and just be with them instead.

iTunes 12 Days of Christmas: Day 5

iTunes 12 Days of Christmas

iTunes 12 Days of Christmas: Day 5

On the 5th day of Christmas iTunes gave to me...
Robbie Williams "Morning Sun" (Live)

Click here to download your free music video

This free download is available for 24 hours on December 30, 2009. iTunes 12 Days Of Christmas runs until January 6th.

For more information visit www.itunes12daysofchristmas.co.uk

29 December 2009

iPod Nano 5G Review

I am lucky enough to have had a decently long time with the latest iteration of the iPod Nano, the best selling music player of today. It boasts many new features, such as a video camera, speaker and an FM Radio. The radio does only work if you plug in the headphones, which is a bit annoying.

The main difference in this version of the Nano over the previous one is the screen size. The 4th Gen had the same size of screen as the 3rd, but portrait as opposed to landscape in the 3rd Gen. In this nano it is bigger than the 2" present in the previ0us two generations at 2.2", and it does make a difference. What it also means is that the scroll wheel is slightly lower down than in the 4th Gen, but I actually prefer it in this position.

The larger screen doesn't let down on the battery life. It is a claimed 24 hours of music and 4 hours of video, the only difference from the 4th and 3rd generation is the video one hour lower, although that is bound to be because of the larger screen.

There is a video camera present in this version, and no, it cannot take stills. I don't understand why, but that's the way it is. It is cool in the sense that it adds no bulk or weight to the iPod and also has some nice effects. The placement of it is a bit strange, because your finger usually covers that area of the device, but hold it landscape and everything is fine. Playback is improved by the fact that there is a speaker on board so you don't need a headphone splitter.

The FM Radio only works when headphones are plugged into the device which isn't the end of the world, the reception is good but there is one amazing feature. Only available in the US (at the present moment) you can find out the information of a track you like, by tagging it, then when you plug it back into iTunes it will find that song on the iTunes store for you. Another nice feature of the radio is the live pause function which lets you pause the radio live and continue from where you left off, useful in a number of different scenarios.

Overall, this is a great music player. But not just that, now a multi-tasker with video and radio included. Prices start at £115 for the 8GB, and £135 for the 16GB.

iTunes 12 Days of Christmas: Day 4

iTunes 12 Days of Christmas

iTunes 12 Days of Christmas: Day 4

On the 4th day of Christmas iTunes gave to me...
JLS "Everybody In Love"

Click here to download your free music video

This free download is available for 24 hours on December 29, 2009. iTunes 12 Days Of Christmas runs until January 6th.

For more information visit www.itunes12daysofchristmas.co.uk

Above is the actual email sent to subscribers, it really says it all. I have to say I am not bothered about today's because I don't like music videos or JLS. Have you been doing the 12 Days of Christmas? Maybe got the app on your iPod Touch/iPhone?

28 December 2009

iTunes 12 Days of Christmas: Day 3

Today it is Trivial Pursuit by EA. A game app which I'm sure will enter the top ranks for today. Just go onto iTunes and click on the 12 days of Christmas icon, or alternatively if you own an iPod touch or iPhone you can use the app to download your new app wirelessly.

27 December 2009

iTunes 12 days of Christmas: Day 2

Two turtle doves and Alan Partridge in a pear tree. That is how the song should go for today because iTunes is giving out a free episode of Alan Partridge for all to download. Click on the photo to take you there and be sure to check back here for news on tomorrow's free download.

26 December 2009

Vodafone free internet this week

Free stuff is always good, the post before this was informing you about a free download on iTunes. But this isn't about music, but internet. More specifically, mobile internet. It has taken the world by storm, and Vodafone are offering it free until New Year's day. You need to be in the UK, but that's fine.Click on the picture for full details, but there is no catch, so, I'm going to start some mobile blogging, you?

iTunes 12 days of Christmas: Day 1

Today is the first day of christmas, and iTunes sent me a free Snow Patrol download. It is "An Olive Grove Facing the Sea" and it isn't my favourite song, but it is free and it will do. Click on the picture above and it will take you to the download page on iTunes. Will you get it too just because it is free? Not up to me to decide. Tomorrow I hope that it is something else from a band so popular, or popular TV Show/Movie.

24 December 2009

Twocation Twocation Twocation

Twitter has purchased Mixer Labs in a probable bid to bring geo-location capabilities to the micro-blogging, social-networking, 140-character-micro-social-networking-blogging-sharing website. Twitter's official blog says it is as important to share where you're doing something as sharing what you're actually doing.

For example, tweeting 'earthquake' is useless, but coupled with the location of the tweeter, it turns into information that actually means something and is even interesting.

Read the full article on Twitter's blog.

Nitrome News - Cold Storage

Nitrome is by far the best Flash games website on the planet. Despite the family-friendly feel and the occasional element of gameplay some may refer to as 'babyish', I've seen 30-year-olds humbled by the games, most of which who have become addicted for life. So here's the first in a new series of posts about Nitrome's games.

iTunes 12 days of Christmas

The picture really says it all (click on it to take you to the official page), there will be a free song, music video, app, TV episode or film every day for the 12 days of Christmas. I hope there aren't too many apps since I don't own an iPod touch or iPhone, but hopefully will (fingers crossed).

The app for it as well is here
, which will open iTunes for you and take you there. You can also subscribe to emails of what they are giving out, which I have. Considering Apple already has my email address it is nothing special.

23 December 2009

Little Big Planet PSP review

I recently got LittleBigPlanet for my PSP 3000. It is the "pocket" version of the PS3 mega-hit and it's in a bit of bother. You see, PSP has Loco Roco and Patapon, two very established games in the industry. And for this relatively new boy to come along is quite something. It certainly offers something that the other 2 don't: customisation. You have your little character who you can do all sorts of things to, it's great! What is slightly confusing the first time you play this game is the 3D effects on it. Instead of being 2D (like Loco Roco) this has gone one dimension further. Although it really hasn't, because it isn't real 3D, nor cinema 3D, it is just that there is the option to move in and out of the screen. As quite a Loco Roco player, I took some time to adapt, but once you've got the hang of it it's great.

The levels are great fun as well. Well thought out, you really need to think your way through this game, you can't just sit back and press some buttons and there it is. There are certain levels where remembering this one item from the start is key yet you don't know that. The controls are acceptable, since it has hardware issues brought forward by the PSP itself. One thing is that there is only one analogue stick, which is a bit hindering. There is also the fact that it uses a lot of the right shoulder button, but none of the left. The left simply steers whilst the right works. I wish it would spice it up a bit, but there are your own custom settings for that.

Overall, it is a great game which you should certainly buy if you are on a psp and looking for something a bit different to Loco Roco and Patapon.

22 December 2009

Yet more bad news for o2's iPhone customers

Oh no, yet again, something is wrong with the iPhone. But this time it isn't the hardware, but the network it is on (or one of them now). It has become apparent that the o2 network crashed for nearly 48 hours over Sunday and Monday. This is a huge problem, considering that 75% of mobile web browsing in Britain is done on the iPhone and o2's network. O2 claims it was due to a conflict of IP addresses, but surely that shouldn't be too hard to deal with?

I think this, along with the recent Ofcom maps, has put O2's network literally down the drain. If it weren't for the iPhone, I believe that O2 would not be much of a network any more. Below is the map of their awful 3G signal across Britain.

As with the recent failure of Blackberry's email, twitter has become the place where users have complained mostly. Famous people such as Simon Pegg have tweeted about the failure of O2's network.

It seems O2 need to sort their network out, and fast

Forza Motorsport 3 Review

Recently I was allowed the experience of a few hours gameplay of Forza Motorsport 3. Developed by Microsoft exclusively for Xbox 360, this game boasts loads of great features. First of which is the way the game looks whilst playing. There a number of views available to drive from, including an in car view which is amazingly realistic. But the scenery, too, is stunning as you whizz past in 5th gear.

There is also a nice selection of cars to choose from, not as many as Gran Turismo, but still quite a few. What is quite annoying is you have to download some of the later cars from the Xbox Live store, why can't they just be there from the beginning? I liked the way the cars were grouped, with ranks by letter, it was useful for 1vs1 split screen races.

Talking about split screen, it too was good. There was a nice choice of how you could each have different settings, even if it took a long time. What wasn't so good, though, was the sound. It had both car's engines revving and they clashed like hell. Unless you are focused on making a symphony of revs then best mute it and listen to some music.

One great feature is the pause and shoot mode. This allows you to pause your race (not online) and take a screenshot of your car, which you can edit with amazing results. If you head over to its website then you will be able to see the amazing shots which gamers have taken and uploaded to the net.

I didn't have long with the career mode, but the start was good. The customisation of cars is excellent and the option to sell them online is even better. On the subject of online play, the lobby is really easy to use. With games pre-set up to difficulty and sometimes car groups it is a breeze to find a race to join. One fun feature is the "It" game, where it is tig but one person is it and everyone else has to smash their cars into that person to be "it". Great if damage is on, and a great laugh anyway.

So, Forza 3, an amazing effort for a driving game. Beautifully laid out, with wonderful graphics. A couple of bad points can't get in the way of this being a fantastic driving game, a must buy for any driving enthusiast.

21 December 2009

Will Sony release a PSP-4000?

Rumours seem to be flying around the web that a PSP-4000 is in the pipeline. The people on the web are saying that it will have a UMD drive like the 3000, 2000 and 1000, but unlike the PSP Go which has downloadable games from the Playstation Store via Media Go. You can download these games for the 3000 as well, which not many people seem to have done, but just informing you that downloads aren't exclusive for the Go.

I can't see a 4000 in the line, I don't know what Sony could add to it. Maybe a software update for the older models with facebook, twitter and so forth, but not in a new device. The 4000 might have just been the yearly update for the PSP, but Sony has missed the Christmas slot they have used for the past few years. Maybe it will be in time for the summer, but I see no point in that.

Whether Sony releases a PSP-4000 or not, it seems that rumours will spread around the web until it is dismissed or confirmed.

iPhone on Vodafone: dating and details announced

We have been waiting for this piece of news for months, ever since it was announced that Vodafone and Orange were going to get the iPhone on their network. In this post I will take you through the contracts. But first, it is available from the 14th of January and pre-orders are up on the earlier link.

Let's start off with the regular 3G 8GB, it is quite a deal nowadays on the other networks, but Vodafone is offering it like all their other smartphones: free on £35 a month for 2 years, or £40 a month for 18 months. But of course, you would always rather have the 3GS.

Speaking of the 3GS, the 16GB model is free on a £45 a month, 2 year deal. With the 32GB stretching upto £75 a month for 2 years for a free phone. On all deals there is 1GB data allowance, which is slightly more than Orange's but not as much as O2's and Tesco's. Tethering is quite expensive though, with £5 a month for 500mb and £15 a month for 3GB.

What is quite nice of Vodafone is that they have given in unlimited texts on all but the cheapest 18 month deal. Great! Vodafone are also selling their network, with the phrase "Outstanding Phone. Outstanding Network". And as a Vodafone customer, I have not been let down by the network, but by marketing calls. Oh yes, and there are free Vodafone to Vodafone calls for your contract.

So, will you be getting the iPhone on Vodafone? Comment below as we love to hear your comments.

20 December 2009

Whatever happened to MP3 HD?

In my view, this flop is up there with the time of HD DVD. There was so much hype about it when it was first announced, people were literally going crazy about it. But it just hasn't kicked off. It might, one day, but I don't think so. There are many things I think are doomed for failure, some of which I will in the near future write about. The thing is, though, it seems to be fighting back. A quick search has discovered that people on forums are going crazy about it. And its creator, Thomson, has some software about on this site which allows you to convert your MP3s to HD. What is useful is that it is backward compatible. It creates a backup MP3 song as well so it can play on normal devices, neat huh?

It is good that MP3 HD is fighting back, and seeming to be winning. Once it gets another big press release and some devices that work with it then it will go on by leaps and bounds. Whether it will beat purists who like OGG or FLAC is still to be known, but it will help the general listener by leaps and bounds.

18 December 2009

Tesco's iPhone tariffs

First off, there is a difference in the internet allowances. Orange allow 750mb a month and o2's is unknown, but is rumoured at around 8GB a month. Tesco, however, allow 1TB. But that is the start of the tariffs, with long intricacies involved.

Let's start with the cheapest tariffs. This is for an iPhone 3G 8GB, which is a hell of a lot cheaper than the 3GS. It is just over £700 on Tesco for 2 years with a £222 up front cost at the start. However, it is a £20 monthly contract which you can leave after 12 months, unlike o2 and orange which require 24 months of your credit card.

For every contract, Tesco is cheaper than its rivals. But we still need to see whether Vodafone will undercut them, but I don't think so. Tesco does have a difference, it requires you to pay up front as well as the contract, which helps in the long run.


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