The other day we announced the details for the iPhone tariffs on Orange, and some people were outraged that there was a limit to 3G mobile browsing of 750MB. Well, one Orange worker, Conor Maples, has said in his twitter the reasons for the 750MB limit. In his twitter posts he said there would be a fair usage policy of 750MB per month on 3G, and free wifi on their "partner"'s network. But on the Orange page, it says that "Separate Fair Usage policies of 750MB / month apply to both BT Openzone Wi-Fi and Mobile Internet Browsing." So why is there this confusion? Also, Conor said“I can confirm that popular streaming services will not be banned for iPhone users.” So hopefully we will be allowed to listen to Spotify a bit on our iPhone on the go. Conor said in one of his twitter posts that the 750MB is enough for 250 full music tracks, but is that enough for some? I certainly don't think so.
Personally I feel that if you are selling a phone that has rival companies offering unlimited internet, then if you undercut them in one area but put this limit on the more important area, then you are sort of shooting yourself in the foot. In my view Orange need to revise the internet allowance and allow you to have as much wifi as you want, and also the unlimited 3G. It won't cost them that much, but it would benefit the user so much more. I hope when Vodafone announce their tariffs some time soon they allow a decent amount of internet. Also, how do we know that this Conor guy can be trusted? He could easily be someone else, pretending to be him. He isn't a verified account, so anyone could be messing with our minds. But back on the topic, what are your views? Comment here or below as we love hearing what you have to say.
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