04 June 2010


One of the things Firefox users boast about is the fact that they have most add-ons for their chosen browser. Well, guess what? Google Chrome has a whole load of awesome extensions which you can install to enhance your webs browsing experience. And SmoothScroll is one of my favorites. If you're unfamiliar with the concept of intertial scrolling, allow me to explain:
If you scroll vertically on an iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad, notice that the page doesn't stop scrolling as soon as you take your finger away. Depending on the force of your flick downwards or upwards, the page will keep flying by.
Flicking softly will make the page keep going for half a second after you've removed your finger. Meanwhile, a fierce flick and the page will keep sliding past for a few seconds.
SmoothScrolling brings inertial scrolling to your browser.
Have you ever used Google Picasa? Scrolling up and down in album view within this free application will give you an idea of what inertial scrolling feels like. It doesn't increase productivity but it looks and feels wonderful. And it works just as nicely while browsing the web. And the extension, like every single other Google Chrome extension, is entirely free. Download and install it here.


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