04 June 2010

Future of the Xbox: Part 2

The Xbox isn't totally doomed for failure though; there are still some positive things about it which will give it both a bright future as well as a better future than the PS3. The main reason is social gaming: Xbox live has a feature called party chat, where you are able to speak with your friends in a group even when you are not playing the same game. 

On PSN, there is no such feature. This feature will never be made, because EA (who make a truck load of games for the PS3) said that they will no longer support the PS3 if they bring this feature to PSN. This means that the PS3 will either lose loads of exclusive games, of remain without party chat. 

Also, the Xbox has in built social aspects such as Facebook and last.fm so it is set for the future. It also holds a few over the PS3 in that Halo being exclusive to Xbox means that it will keep vital followers of both the console and the game. So, the future's not bleak at all for the Xbox, it's actually very bright!

[Thanks Felix]


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