28 May 2010

Google Desktop

I am quite a Google fan. I use Gmail, blogger, Picasa, and now Desktop. As a Vista user I could use Microsoft's own but that just isn't appealing and I thought I'd give Google's version a try. It has a one distinct advantage: less is more. Microsoft's version has loads of plugins which bombard you when you visit the site, whereas Google's offering just has a few pages of plugins. This is so much easier as it has everything you'd want from it. For me, I've got an internet data counter, an RSS feed, weather, CPU statistics and the annoyingly ever-present search icon. However, I have it off for when on other pages, otherwise my 15" screen would be made into 13.5" which I can't see the point of. I like Google Desktop, and recommend it thoroughly over Microsoft's version of a similar free product.


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