08 April 2010

iPhone multitasks

One of the main features, the first that Steve Jobs announced, was multitasking. At long last! Finally! I know! It's amazing! To quote Steve Jobs (via Engadget) "Now we weren't the first to this party, but we're gonna be the best. Just like cut and paste." How are Apple the best at copy and paste? What statistic, survey result and consumer feedback to they have to tell them that they are the best at copy and paste? 

Anyway, I'll put that behind to focus on the more immediate matter of this new multitasking feature. But hold on a minute. Because multitasking on iPhone is not all it's cracked up to be. You see, it is only compatible with iPhone 3GS and iPod Touch 3rd Generation. That means that one of the most fundamental parts of a modern day OS is lacking on one of the most popular smartphones in the world, but not on its bigger brother, the 3GS. 

This probably is due to the faster processor being able to cope with the multitasking better but still, it is just Apple wanting you to upgrade and have a nice big chunk of your hard earned cash. Steve later said in the Q&A session: "Well, a lot of these products that are out there are the most recent products. The old devices will get the update, but they'll miss some of these features like multitasking. If that's an incentive for them to upgrade to a new device... terrific." Now to me that is just plain and simple arrogance. 

Multitasking on iPhone seems to promise to be a simple process for the end-user. You just double-tap the home button and you see what apps you're running.  What it actually is is a service running in the background which is not a true multitasking system but still should, in essence, work.  Unfortunately, this won't allow, say, a twitter app to run in the background all the time.

So, this new OS is available around "summer" for iPhones and iPod Touches and "fall" for iPad. However, I would recommend not upgrading if you're not a 3GS or 3rd gen iPod Touch user. I shall explain in a later post.


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