As you know, many people will have received new iPods for Christmas. And here is the ultimate guide on how to conserve iPod battery from years of personal experience. The first one is simple and probably the most effective, turn the brightness down. It may sound or look like it's not doing much, but you're saving yourself a considerable amount of time on your battery life. And, once you've had it lower for a period of time, I bet you'll be surprised just how bright the screen is when you fully use it again if you do.
The second tip is not to overcharge it, this isn't fully backed up, but I have found that there are considerable differences in time if I charge my iPod until it is fully charged and take it out immediately, or leave it in my dock for days on end. So, if you put it on a dock, take it off at night, it's easy as that.
My third tip is to only charge it when it needs it. Many people will stick their iPod in the charger after a daily commute to and from wherever and might have 80% left, but they charge it anyway. Why? Just use it until it needs the charge, then charge it. I'm sure that this helps battery life.
Also, make sure you use your iPod. This may sound stupid, but use it at least once a week to keep it up to nick in my view. So, that is the best way to conserve your iPod battery. Has this helped you? Comment down below to have your views shown across the web.
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