Over the next few weeks I’ll be posting a few tips and tricks to make Facebook a better experience for you. Here’s the debut! In this post I’m more or less gonna tell you how to invite all your friends to a group automatically.
So you’ve just joined a group which you think is totally awesome and you wanna share it with all your friends. Either that, or you’ve just made a page and you’re looking to get as many fans as possible. So you wanna invite all your friends. Usually this would take about an hour and is a very boring process. But instead of manually clicking all your friends one by one, there’s a much quicker method…
Go onto the group or page in question and click the ‘Invite friends’ link. The usual page will appear on which you’d normally manually select each friend and waste hours of your time. In the address bar paste the following:
javascript:elms=document.getElementById('friends').getElementsByTagName('li');for(var fid in elms){if(typeof elms[fid] === 'object'){fs.click(elms[fid]);}}
Then hit enter.
All the friends will automatically be highlighted. Now all you need to do is send the invites! It really is as simple as that. You’ve just saved yourself a whole lot of time and effort. And if you’re worried it’s a virus I assure you it’s not.
Next: Facebook Chat emoticons you never knew existed!
Good article, check out my blog to!
Have done, it's just starting out but the content is already good.
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