10 December 2009


If there was an obituary column in the local paper for mobile phones, my Sony Ericsson K800i’s ‘def3’ key would be there, with the caption ‘RIP (Really Irritating Problem)’. For it is one of the most annoying predicaments I’ve ever been in, related to technology at least.

I can no longer type ‘d’, ‘e’, ‘f’ or ‘3’, which means I can’t type a vast amount of words which are usually commonplace in my day to day vocabulary. It’s a very irksome dilemma when you have to type ‘goo night an swt drams my arling, lov you loas’ just before she goes to sleep...

In the name of love I’ve had to resort to copying and pasting the unreachable characters from texts that I’ve received. But then we come along another problem. If I wanna top up my phone credit and there’s a ‘3’ in the voucher number, I’m pretty much 100% screwed.

Trust me, copying and pasting characters from other texts is not the most exciting thing to be forced into doing. You have to go into the composition window, then out, then in, then out etc. In the end I just give up completely and keep ‘e’ on the clipboard, replacing ‘d’ and ‘f’ with an apostrophe.

I want a new phone, the Nokia 5800 preferably, but I’ll have to wait until my birthday... in May.



James said...

I wouldn't get the 5800, one of my friends has one and the screen isn't great.

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