As many of you are probably aware twitter and facebook will be coming to all you current gold live members in the near future. Another lengthy "system update" is looming, and another pr stunt from are good friends from Redmond i feel. Social networking seems to dominate the general publics life's these days and especially the youth but microsoft appear to me straying from their initial aims with the xbox just to meet market trends. I ask those unfortunate enough not to own an 360; Will the introduction of facebook and twitter to the live scene persuade in any possible way to purchase the problem ridden hardware at a price of £129.99? The answer i suspect in many cases is no!
The fact is i want to play games, and chat over the headset whilst i am involved in gaming. I do not wish to spend my time on the xbox involved in twitter hash tagging or status updating. All of this most likely occurring subsequently after having to go to Game to purchase the monstrosity known as the Qwerty pad for the Xbox controller just to make these social networking applications a little less of a chore to use.
Might i ask why you would use the xbox's GUI to surf such sites when on the most part you are using a bridge connection in which you could use your laptop to access twitter whilst it is so conveniently position next to you. However, i see this as step forward in the development of the Xbox 360 and can be used as another piece of evidence against the Playstation 3.
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