07 October 2009

My Take on a Classic Debate: PS3 vs Xbox 360

Is it Sony’s Playstation 3 or Microsoft’s Xbox 360? This question has plagued the minds of children over the world. The answer to this question can easily be found out by looking at the facts of each console.

Sony started to sell games consoles long before Microsoft. This means that Sony has sold significantly more consoles. On December 3rd 1994 Playstation’s first games console was sold in Japan. As the Playstation was the most advanced gaming console at that time it sold out quickly. The Playstation was a fifth generation console with a chip in the central processing unit which enables it to have 360,000 flat-shaded polygons per second and180, 000 texture mapped and light-sourced polygons per second the Playstation also had a graphics processing chip which gave the Playstation enhanced graphics compared to other games consoles at that time such as the Nintendo 64. This chip is separate to the CPU and handles all the 2D graphics processing, which includes the transformed 3D polygons. Later a Playstation sub-console was developed and released called the Net Yaroze. This sub-console was slightly more expensive than the normal Playstation and it was black instead of gray which many people thought the console looked better in. these minor alterations were not the main attraction of the Net Yaroze as this console came with specially designed tools so that the buyer of the Playstation could program the Playstation themselves. This however was not a success for Sony as it did not sell well. Sony then tried again with the new Ps one. This was a huge success. Sony’s new console had a small LCD screen for better graphics. The Ps one was and lighter than the Playstation so it was possible to be a portable console and it came with an adapter so that it could be powered and played in the car. Although it was designed to be a portable console it was rarely taken out of the house. Lasting over 11 years the Playstation was one of the longest production runs in the gaming industry. On March 23rd 2006 Sony announced the end of the production for the Playstation.

With the gaming market in the hands of Sony they launched the Playstation 2 which was an even greater success than the original Playstation. Part of the Playstation 2’s success was due to the backward compatibility feature which enabled it to play any Playstation 1 game. The Playstation 2 sold over 980,000 units by March 5, 2000 one day after its launch, in Japan. The buildup for the Playstation 2 and the success of the original Playstation were so good that Sony’s new Playstation 2 had a base installment of 24 million consoles. The Playstation 2 is a sixth generation console and it functions as other things. It can also play CD’s and DVD’s. The ability to be able to play DVD movies was an added incentive for customers to be able to justify buying the Playstation 2.The Playstation 2 was a very reasonably priced console for the functions it offered. The Playstation 2 only cost $179- $200 this was a good price as the Playstation 2 was dominating the gaming market. Another new feature was added to the Playstation 2; The ability for online network play. This enabled the gamer to connect to a network of players who were playing the same game online so players could connect and play each other even if they are not in the same area. This attracted many people especially only children who wanted to play other people but could not until now. This feature of the Playstation was completely free. As this feature was free 1.7 million people played the Playstation 2 online. As the gaming market in North America was so great selling the most consoles there secured a firm grip on the gaming market. The Playstation 2 sold 9.4 million consoles in North America alone. The Dualshock2 controller for the Playstation 2 was almost exactly the same as the original Dualshock controller for the original Playstation. This pleased many people who were used to the controller for the Playstation. The only differences in the controllers are that the Dualshock2 has analog sticks and the shoulder pad buttons are bigger L2 and R2 in particular. As the games for the Playstation 2 were of such a variety that certain accessories were made available. The two that sold most were the Eyetoy USB camera and the Singstar microphones. Some games have Eyetoy compatibility. The Eyetoy projects a picture of the gamer into the game and by moving you can interact with the game. The Singstar microphones are specially designed for the Singstar game series. By singing into the microphones at the correct pitch the notes will be “hit” and you will get a score for the number of correct hit notes. The Playstation 2’s most selling game was “Madden NFL 2004” which sold over 2.3 million copies. Sony was determined to strengthen the hold that they had on the gaming market. At the beginning of this years holiday season they had almost doubled their base instalment for the Playstation 2 at the same time last year.

As Sony was dominating the video game market in the 1990s another giant of technology was getting worried. Microsoft realised that the video game market was starting to threaten the computing market and as Microsoft relied on this for most of their revenues they had to find a way to ensure that their power in the world of technology was not lost. Microsoft launched its first games console the Xbox. The Xbox was sixth generation console much like the Playstation 2. As Microsoft had not made a games console before they were already at a disadvantage to Sony. The Xbox cost $179 al most exactly the same as the Playstation 2. Microsoft had been watching the gaming market for a while and realised that the online feature was a key subject and they should try to make more use of that feature than Sony had. Now that the Xbox had online compatibility it could start to wage war on Sony and the Playstation. Although Microsoft tried to make full use of the online feature of gaming they fell short of the Playstation. The Xbox had 500,000 online gamers. Microsoft made the mistake of charging money for this online feature $69.99 for initial charge and then an annual fee of $49.99. As this part of Microsoft’s plan to surpass the Playstation failed they needed to release a gaming series that would win the market for them. Soon the Halo series was released and this was such a gaming series. Also this gaming series was exclusive to the Xbox so Playstation owners could not buy it as most of the games were released for both the Playstation and the Xbox. Halo sold 637,000 copies and then the sequel Halo 2 sold 8 million copies as of may 9th 2006. Microsoft repeatedly delayed the release of the Xbox due to their nerves of releasing their first games console. In North America alone the Xbox sold 3.4 million consoles and had a base instalment of 8.5 million consoles.

With Microsoft releasing a popular console the pressure was on Sony to release a console that was even better than the Playstation 2. This was going to be a difficult task as the Playstation 2 was the most popular console of its time. Needless to say Sony achieved this task and it was a huge success. The Playstation 3 was released at seven o’clock on the 11th November 2006 in Japan 81,639 Playstation 3’s were sold in just 24 hours. The Playstation 3 is a seventh generation console with a 3.2 GHz central processing unit and a Blu-Ray DVD player. The Playstation 3 was delayed for several months due to problems with the Blu-Ray DVD player. Sony wanted to perfect the Blu- Ray DVD player because it was cheaper buying a Playstation 3 than it was to buy a Blu-Ray DVD player separately. With the Xbox offering online gaming the Playstation 3 hade no choice if it still wanted to control the video gaming market. As with the Playstation 2 the online gaming function was free. Although in Japan the selling of the Playstation 3 was relatively peaceful the same could not be said for the North American release. Reports of violence included a customer shot, campers robbed at gunpoint, customers shot in a drive-by shooting with BB guns, and 60 campers fighting over just 10 systems. This was partly good news as it showed the determination of some people to get the new Playstation which meant that it must have been an exceedingly good console. The European sales were not as dramatic but a record 600,000 units were sold in the first two days of the European launch. “The PS3 is the best designed and prepared for the digital networked future,” Sony spokesman Jonathan Fargher spoke these words at the coveted E3 gaming show. This shows how confident Sony feels about how well the Playstation 3 will dominate the video gaming market. With the Xbox releasing exclusive games the Playstation had to retaliate and released several games which included Resistance: Fall of Man, Motorstorm which was Playstation 3’s top selling game with 3.31 million copies sold and the God of War series. The God of War series was the first video game to include “mini-games” using the triangle, circle, square and X buttons. This was such a good idea that countless other games have taken up this idea. The Playstation 3 uses a Sixaxis/DualShock 3 controller system. The sixaxes feature is designed so that when the controller is moved the characters in the games move without any buttons being pressed. Some games, such as Lair, have been developed around this feature.

Sony had once again released a console that had surpassed all others so once again Microsoft had to combat Sony on the ground that Microsoft were weaker in. The Xbox360 was launched before the Playstation 3 and there fore sold more consoles than any other in a single year and was launched in 36 different countries. The Xbox360 was released on November 22, 2005, in the United States and Canada; December 2, 2005, in Europe and December 10, 2005, in Japan. The Xbox360 is a seventh generation console much like the Playstation 3 and is by far Microsoft’s greatest console to date. Many Xbox360 owners claim that the Xbox360 is superior because the Playstation 3 was delayed in its launch. Although this was the case in North America 10 Xbox360’s caught fire due to glitches in the system. The halo series was continued through the Xbox360 in the form of Halo 3 which sold 8.1 million (as of January 3, 2008). Microsoft continued in making gamers pay for online usage and although the Xbox360 is cheaper than the Playstation 3 online fees roughly make the prices the same. The Xbox360 can play DVD’s but cannot play Blu-Ray DVD’s. This could become problematic for Microsoft as DVD’s are becoming obsolete and only Blu-Ray DVD’s will be sold. The electronics company Toshiba have already stopped selling normal DVD’s. The Xbox360 does not have sixaxes controllers but like the Playstation 3 the controllers are wireless. Unlike the Playstation 3 the Xbox360 is available in different packages like the elite package for the “hardcore” gamers and the bare-console package which does not include a game which the normal packages do include. The Xbox360 releases were completely safe and no reports of violence were recorded.

The facts listed cannot tell us the greater console. The console with the most sales and gamers is the Playstation. The Playstation’s online gaming takes longer to load by a couple of minutes but is free. The superior console is the Playstation 3 in terms o it specs but in terms o one off value the Xbox 360 wins. Could I just say kudos the my friend babba who has put great input into the writing of this post.
Is it Sony’s Playstation 3 or Microsoft’s Xbox 360? This question has plagued the minds of children over the world. The answer to this question can easily be found out by looking at the facts of each console.

Sony started to sell games consoles long before Microsoft. This means that Sony has sold significantly more consoles. On December 3rd 1994 Playstation’s first games console was sold in Japan. As the Playstation was the most advanced gaming console at that time it sold out quickly. The Playstation was a fifth generation console with a chip in the central processing unit which enables it to have 360,000 flat-shaded polygons per second and180, 000 texture mapped and light-sourced polygons per second the Playstation also had a graphics processing chip which gave the Playstation enhanced graphics compared to other games consoles at that time such as the Nintendo 64. This chip is separate to the CPU and handles all the 2D graphics processing, which includes the transformed 3D polygons. Later a Playstation sub-console was developed and released called the Net Yaroze. This sub-console was slightly more expensive than the normal Playstation and it was black instead of gray which many people thought the console looked better in. these minor alterations were not the main attraction of the Net Yaroze as this console came with specially designed tools so that the buyer of the Playstation could program the Playstation themselves. This however was not a success for Sony as it did not sell well. Sony then tried again with the new Ps one. This was a huge success. Sony’s new console had a small LCD screen for better graphics. The Ps one was and lighter than the Playstation so it was possible to be a portable console and it came with an adapter so that it could be powered and played in the car. Although it was designed to be a portable console it was rarely taken out of the house. Lasting over 11 years the Playstation was one of the longest production runs in the gaming industry. On March 23rd 2006 Sony announced the end of the production for the Playstation.

With the gaming market in the hands of Sony they launched the Playstation 2 which was an even greater success than the original Playstation. Part of the Playstation 2’s success was due to the backward compatibility feature which enabled it to play any Playstation 1 game. The Playstation 2 sold over 980,000 units by March 5, 2000 one day after its launch, in Japan. The buildup for the Playstation 2 and the success of the original Playstation were so good that Sony’s new Playstation 2 had a base installment of 24 million consoles. The Playstation 2 is a sixth generation console and it functions as other things. It can also play CD’s and DVD’s. The ability to be able to play DVD movies was an added incentive for customers to be able to justify buying the Playstation 2.The Playstation 2 was a very reasonably priced console for the functions it offered. The Playstation 2 only cost $179- $200 this was a good price as the Playstation 2 was dominating the gaming market. Another new feature was added to the Playstation 2; The ability for online network play. This enabled the gamer to connect to a network of players who were playing the same game online so players could connect and play each other even if they are not in the same area. This attracted many people especially only children who wanted to play other people but could not until now. This feature of the Playstation was completely free. As this feature was free 1.7 million people played the Playstation 2 online. As the gaming market in North America was so great selling the most consoles there secured a firm grip on the gaming market. The Playstation 2 sold 9.4 million consoles in North America alone. The Dualshock2 controller for the Playstation 2 was almost exactly the same as the original Dualshock controller for the original Playstation. This pleased many people who were used to the controller for the Playstation. The only differences in the controllers are that the Dualshock2 has analog sticks and the shoulder pad buttons are bigger L2 and R2 in particular. As the games for the Playstation 2 were of such a variety that certain accessories were made available. The two that sold most were the Eyetoy USB camera and the Singstar microphones. Some games have Eyetoy compatibility. The Eyetoy projects a picture of the gamer into the game and by moving you can interact with the game. The Singstar microphones are specially designed for the Singstar game series. By singing into the microphones at the correct pitch the notes will be “hit” and you will get a score for the number of correct hit notes. The Playstation 2’s most selling game was “Madden NFL 2004” which sold over 2.3 million copies. Sony was determined to strengthen the hold that they had on the gaming market. At the beginning of this years holiday season they had almost doubled their base instalment for the Playstation 2 at the same time last year.

As Sony was dominating the video game market in the 1990s another giant of technology was getting worried. Microsoft realised that the video game market was starting to threaten the computing market and as Microsoft relied on this for most of their revenues they had to find a way to ensure that their power in the world of technology was not lost. Microsoft launched its first games console the Xbox. The Xbox was sixth generation console much like the Playstation 2. As Microsoft had not made a games console before they were already at a disadvantage to Sony. The Xbox cost $179 al most exactly the same as the Playstation 2. Microsoft had been watching the gaming market for a while and realised that the online feature was a key subject and they should try to make more use of that feature than Sony had. Now that the Xbox had online compatibility it could start to wage war on Sony and the Playstation. Although Microsoft tried to make full use of the online feature of gaming they fell short of the Playstation. The Xbox had 500,000 online gamers. Microsoft made the mistake of charging money for this online feature $69.99 for initial charge and then an annual fee of $49.99. As this part of Microsoft’s plan to surpass the Playstation failed they needed to release a gaming series that would win the market for them. Soon the Halo series was released and this was such a gaming series. Also this gaming series was exclusive to the Xbox so Playstation owners could not buy it as most of the games were released for both the Playstation and the Xbox. Halo sold 637,000 copies and then the sequel Halo 2 sold 8 million copies as of may 9th 2006. Microsoft repeatedly delayed the release of the Xbox due to their nerves of releasing their first games console. In North America alone the Xbox sold 3.4 million consoles and had a base instalment of 8.5 million consoles.

With Microsoft releasing a popular console the pressure was on Sony to release a console that was even better than the Playstation 2. This was going to be a difficult task as the Playstation 2 was the most popular console of its time. Needless to say Sony achieved this task and it was a huge success. The Playstation 3 was released at seven o’clock on the 11th November 2006 in Japan 81,639 Playstation 3’s were sold in just 24 hours. The Playstation 3 is a seventh generation console with a 3.2 GHz central processing unit and a Blu-Ray DVD player. The Playstation 3 was delayed for several months due to problems with the Blu-Ray DVD player. Sony wanted to perfect the Blu- Ray DVD player because it was cheaper buying a Playstation 3 than it was to buy a Blu-Ray DVD player separately. With the Xbox offering online gaming the Playstation 3 hade no choice if it still wanted to control the video gaming market. As with the Playstation 2 the online gaming function was free. Although in Japan the selling of the Playstation 3 was relatively peaceful the same could not be said for the North American release. Reports of violence included a customer shot, campers robbed at gunpoint, customers shot in a drive-by shooting with BB guns, and 60 campers fighting over just 10 systems. This was partly good news as it showed the determination of some people to get the new Playstation which meant that it must have been an exceedingly good console. The European sales were not as dramatic but a record 600,000 units were sold in the first two days of the European launch. “The PS3 is the best designed and prepared for the digital networked future,” Sony spokesman Jonathan Fargher spoke these words at the coveted E3 gaming show. This shows how confident Sony feels about how well the Playstation 3 will dominate the video gaming market. With the Xbox releasing exclusive games the Playstation had to retaliate and released several games which included Resistance: Fall of Man, Motorstorm which was Playstation 3’s top selling game with 3.31 million copies sold and the God of War series. The God of War series was the first video game to include “mini-games” using the triangle, circle, square and X buttons. This was such a good idea that countless other games have taken up this idea. The Playstation 3 uses a Sixaxis/DualShock 3 controller system. The sixaxes feature is designed so that when the controller is moved the characters in the games move without any buttons being pressed. Some games, such as Lair, have been developed around this feature.

Sony had once again released a console that had surpassed all others so once again Microsoft had to combat Sony on the ground that Microsoft were weaker in. The Xbox360 was launched before the Playstation 3 and there fore sold more consoles than any other in a single year and was launched in 36 different countries. The Xbox360 was released on November 22, 2005, in the United States and Canada; December 2, 2005, in Europe and December 10, 2005, in Japan. The Xbox360 is a seventh generation console much like the Playstation 3 and is by far Microsoft’s greatest console to date. Many Xbox360 owners claim that the Xbox360 is superior because the Playstation 3 was delayed in its launch. Although this was the case in North America 10 Xbox360’s caught fire due to glitches in the system. The halo series was continued through the Xbox360 in the form of Halo 3 which sold 8.1 million (as of January 3, 2008). Microsoft continued in making gamers pay for online usage and although the Xbox360 is cheaper than the Playstation 3 online fees roughly make the prices the same. The Xbox360 can play DVD’s but cannot play Blu-Ray DVD’s. This could become problematic for Microsoft as DVD’s are becoming obsolete and only Blu-Ray DVD’s will be sold. The electronics company Toshiba have already stopped selling normal DVD’s. The Xbox360 does not have sixaxes controllers but like the Playstation 3 the controllers are wireless. Unlike the Playstation 3 the Xbox360 is available in different packages like the elite package for the “hardcore” gamers and the bare-console package which does not include a game which the normal packages do include. The Xbox360 releases were completely safe and no reports of violence were recorded.

The facts listed cannot tell us the greater console. The console with the most sales and gamers is the Playstation. The Playstation’s online gaming takes longer to load by a couple of minutes but is free. The superior console is the Playstation 3 in terms o it specs but in terms o one off value the Xbox 360 wins. Could I just say kudos the my friend babba who has put great input into the writing of this post.
Is it Sony’s Playstation 3 or Microsoft’s Xbox 360? This question has plagued the minds of children over the world. The answer to this question can easily be found out by looking at the facts of each console.

Sony started to sell games consoles long before Microsoft. This means that Sony has sold significantly more consoles. On December 3rd 1994 Playstation’s first games console was sold in Japan. As the Playstation was the most advanced gaming console at that time it sold out quickly. The Playstation was a fifth generation console with a chip in the central processing unit which enables it to have 360,000 flat-shaded polygons per second and180, 000 texture mapped and light-sourced polygons per second the Playstation also had a graphics processing chip which gave the Playstation enhanced graphics compared to other games consoles at that time such as the Nintendo 64. This chip is separate to the CPU and handles all the 2D graphics processing, which includes the transformed 3D polygons. Later a Playstation sub-console was developed and released called the Net Yaroze. This sub-console was slightly more expensive than the normal Playstation and it was black instead of gray which many people thought the console looked better in. these minor alterations were not the main attraction of the Net Yaroze as this console came with specially designed tools so that the buyer of the Playstation could program the Playstation themselves. This however was not a success for Sony as it did not sell well. Sony then tried again with the new Ps one. This was a huge success. Sony’s new console had a small LCD screen for better graphics. The Ps one was and lighter than the Playstation so it was possible to be a portable console and it came with an adapter so that it could be powered and played in the car. Although it was designed to be a portable console it was rarely taken out of the house. Lasting over 11 years the Playstation was one of the longest production runs in the gaming industry. On March 23rd 2006 Sony announced the end of the production for the Playstation.

With the gaming market in the hands of Sony they launched the Playstation 2 which was an even greater success than the original Playstation. Part of the Playstation 2’s success was due to the backward compatibility feature which enabled it to play any Playstation 1 game. The Playstation 2 sold over 980,000 units by March 5, 2000 one day after its launch, in Japan. The buildup for the Playstation 2 and the success of the original Playstation were so good that Sony’s new Playstation 2 had a base installment of 24 million consoles. The Playstation 2 is a sixth generation console and it functions as other things. It can also play CD’s and DVD’s. The ability to be able to play DVD movies was an added incentive for customers to be able to justify buying the Playstation 2.The Playstation 2 was a very reasonably priced console for the functions it offered. The Playstation 2 only cost $179- $200 this was a good price as the Playstation 2 was dominating the gaming market. Another new feature was added to the Playstation 2; The ability for online network play. This enabled the gamer to connect to a network of players who were playing the same game online so players could connect and play each other even if they are not in the same area. This attracted many people especially only children who wanted to play other people but could not until now. This feature of the Playstation was completely free. As this feature was free 1.7 million people played the Playstation 2 online. As the gaming market in North America was so great selling the most consoles there secured a firm grip on the gaming market. The Playstation 2 sold 9.4 million consoles in North America alone. The Dualshock2 controller for the Playstation 2 was almost exactly the same as the original Dualshock controller for the original Playstation. This pleased many people who were used to the controller for the Playstation. The only differences in the controllers are that the Dualshock2 has analog sticks and the shoulder pad buttons are bigger L2 and R2 in particular. As the games for the Playstation 2 were of such a variety that certain accessories were made available. The two that sold most were the Eyetoy USB camera and the Singstar microphones. Some games have Eyetoy compatibility. The Eyetoy projects a picture of the gamer into the game and by moving you can interact with the game. The Singstar microphones are specially designed for the Singstar game series. By singing into the microphones at the correct pitch the notes will be “hit” and you will get a score for the number of correct hit notes. The Playstation 2’s most selling game was “Madden NFL 2004” which sold over 2.3 million copies. Sony was determined to strengthen the hold that they had on the gaming market. At the beginning of this years holiday season they had almost doubled their base instalment for the Playstation 2 at the same time last year.

As Sony was dominating the video game market in the 1990s another giant of technology was getting worried. Microsoft realised that the video game market was starting to threaten the computing market and as Microsoft relied on this for most of their revenues they had to find a way to ensure that their power in the world of technology was not lost. Microsoft launched its first games console the Xbox. The Xbox was sixth generation console much like the Playstation 2. As Microsoft had not made a games console before they were already at a disadvantage to Sony. The Xbox cost $179 al most exactly the same as the Playstation 2. Microsoft had been watching the gaming market for a while and realised that the online feature was a key subject and they should try to make more use of that feature than Sony had. Now that the Xbox had online compatibility it could start to wage war on Sony and the Playstation. Although Microsoft tried to make full use of the online feature of gaming they fell short of the Playstation. The Xbox had 500,000 online gamers. Microsoft made the mistake of charging money for this online feature $69.99 for initial charge and then an annual fee of $49.99. As this part of Microsoft’s plan to surpass the Playstation failed they needed to release a gaming series that would win the market for them. Soon the Halo series was released and this was such a gaming series. Also this gaming series was exclusive to the Xbox so Playstation owners could not buy it as most of the games were released for both the Playstation and the Xbox. Halo sold 637,000 copies and then the sequel Halo 2 sold 8 million copies as of may 9th 2006. Microsoft repeatedly delayed the release of the Xbox due to their nerves of releasing their first games console. In North America alone the Xbox sold 3.4 million consoles and had a base instalment of 8.5 million consoles.

With Microsoft releasing a popular console the pressure was on Sony to release a console that was even better than the Playstation 2. This was going to be a difficult task as the Playstation 2 was the most popular console of its time. Needless to say Sony achieved this task and it was a huge success. The Playstation 3 was released at seven o’clock on the 11th November 2006 in Japan 81,639 Playstation 3’s were sold in just 24 hours. The Playstation 3 is a seventh generation console with a 3.2 GHz central processing unit and a Blu-Ray DVD player. The Playstation 3 was delayed for several months due to problems with the Blu-Ray DVD player. Sony wanted to perfect the Blu- Ray DVD player because it was cheaper buying a Playstation 3 than it was to buy a Blu-Ray DVD player separately. With the Xbox offering online gaming the Playstation 3 hade no choice if it still wanted to control the video gaming market. As with the Playstation 2 the online gaming function was free. Although in Japan the selling of the Playstation 3 was relatively peaceful the same could not be said for the North American release. Reports of violence included a customer shot, campers robbed at gunpoint, customers shot in a drive-by shooting with BB guns, and 60 campers fighting over just 10 systems. This was partly good news as it showed the determination of some people to get the new Playstation which meant that it must have been an exceedingly good console. The European sales were not as dramatic but a record 600,000 units were sold in the first two days of the European launch. “The PS3 is the best designed and prepared for the digital networked future,” Sony spokesman Jonathan Fargher spoke these words at the coveted E3 gaming show. This shows how confident Sony feels about how well the Playstation 3 will dominate the video gaming market. With the Xbox releasing exclusive games the Playstation had to retaliate and released several games which included Resistance: Fall of Man, Motorstorm which was Playstation 3’s top selling game with 3.31 million copies sold and the God of War series. The God of War series was the first video game to include “mini-games” using the triangle, circle, square and X buttons. This was such a good idea that countless other games have taken up this idea. The Playstation 3 uses a Sixaxis/DualShock 3 controller system. The sixaxes feature is designed so that when the controller is moved the characters in the games move without any buttons being pressed. Some games, such as Lair, have been developed around this feature.

Sony had once again released a console that had surpassed all others so once again Microsoft had to combat Sony on the ground that Microsoft were weaker in. The Xbox360 was launched before the Playstation 3 and there fore sold more consoles than any other in a single year and was launched in 36 different countries. The Xbox360 was released on November 22, 2005, in the United States and Canada; December 2, 2005, in Europe and December 10, 2005, in Japan. The Xbox360 is a seventh generation console much like the Playstation 3 and is by far Microsoft’s greatest console to date. Many Xbox360 owners claim that the Xbox360 is superior because the Playstation 3 was delayed in its launch. Although this was the case in North America 10 Xbox360’s caught fire due to glitches in the system. The halo series was continued through the Xbox360 in the form of Halo 3 which sold 8.1 million (as of January 3, 2008). Microsoft continued in making gamers pay for online usage and although the Xbox360 is cheaper than the Playstation 3 online fees roughly make the prices the same. The Xbox360 can play DVD’s but cannot play Blu-Ray DVD’s. This could become problematic for Microsoft as DVD’s are becoming obsolete and only Blu-Ray DVD’s will be sold. The electronics company Toshiba have already stopped selling normal DVD’s. The Xbox360 does not have sixaxes controllers but like the Playstation 3 the controllers are wireless. Unlike the Playstation 3 the Xbox360 is available in different packages like the elite package for the “hardcore” gamers and the bare-console package which does not include a game which the normal packages do include. The Xbox360 releases were completely safe and no reports of violence were recorded.

The facts listed cannot tell us the greater console. The console with the most sales and gamers is the Playstation. The Playstation’s online gaming takes longer to load by a couple of minutes but is free. The superior console is the Playstation 3 in terms o it specs but in terms o one off value the Xbox 360 wins. Could I just say kudos the my friend babba who has put great input into the writing of this post.
Is it Sony’s Playstation 3 or Microsoft’s Xbox 360? This question has plagued the minds of children over the world. The answer to this question can easily be found out by looking at the facts of each console.

Sony started to sell games consoles long before Microsoft. This means that Sony has sold significantly more consoles. On December 3rd 1994 Playstation’s first games console was sold in Japan. As the Playstation was the most advanced gaming console at that time it sold out quickly. The Playstation was a fifth generation console with a chip in the central processing unit which enables it to have 360,000 flat-shaded polygons per second and180, 000 texture mapped and light-sourced polygons per second the Playstation also had a graphics processing chip which gave the Playstation enhanced graphics compared to other games consoles at that time such as the Nintendo 64. This chip is separate to the CPU and handles all the 2D graphics processing, which includes the transformed 3D polygons. Later a Playstation sub-console was developed and released called the Net Yaroze. This sub-console was slightly more expensive than the normal Playstation and it was black instead of gray which many people thought the console looked better in. these minor alterations were not the main attraction of the Net Yaroze as this console came with specially designed tools so that the buyer of the Playstation could program the Playstation themselves. This however was not a success for Sony as it did not sell well. Sony then tried again with the new Ps one. This was a huge success. Sony’s new console had a small LCD screen for better graphics. The Ps one was and lighter than the Playstation so it was possible to be a portable console and it came with an adapter so that it could be powered and played in the car. Although it was designed to be a portable console it was rarely taken out of the house. Lasting over 11 years the Playstation was one of the longest production runs in the gaming industry. On March 23rd 2006 Sony announced the end of the production for the Playstation.

With the gaming market in the hands of Sony they launched the Playstation 2 which was an even greater success than the original Playstation. Part of the Playstation 2’s success was due to the backward compatibility feature which enabled it to play any Playstation 1 game. The Playstation 2 sold over 980,000 units by March 5, 2000 one day after its launch, in Japan. The buildup for the Playstation 2 and the success of the original Playstation were so good that Sony’s new Playstation 2 had a base installment of 24 million consoles. The Playstation 2 is a sixth generation console and it functions as other things. It can also play CD’s and DVD’s. The ability to be able to play DVD movies was an added incentive for customers to be able to justify buying the Playstation 2.The Playstation 2 was a very reasonably priced console for the functions it offered. The Playstation 2 only cost $179- $200 this was a good price as the Playstation 2 was dominating the gaming market. Another new feature was added to the Playstation 2; The ability for online network play. This enabled the gamer to connect to a network of players who were playing the same game online so players could connect and play each other even if they are not in the same area. This attracted many people especially only children who wanted to play other people but could not until now. This feature of the Playstation was completely free. As this feature was free 1.7 million people played the Playstation 2 online. As the gaming market in North America was so great selling the most consoles there secured a firm grip on the gaming market. The Playstation 2 sold 9.4 million consoles in North America alone. The Dualshock2 controller for the Playstation 2 was almost exactly the same as the original Dualshock controller for the original Playstation. This pleased many people who were used to the controller for the Playstation. The only differences in the controllers are that the Dualshock2 has analog sticks and the shoulder pad buttons are bigger L2 and R2 in particular. As the games for the Playstation 2 were of such a variety that certain accessories were made available. The two that sold most were the Eyetoy USB camera and the Singstar microphones. Some games have Eyetoy compatibility. The Eyetoy projects a picture of the gamer into the game and by moving you can interact with the game. The Singstar microphones are specially designed for the Singstar game series. By singing into the microphones at the correct pitch the notes will be “hit” and you will get a score for the number of correct hit notes. The Playstation 2’s most selling game was “Madden NFL 2004” which sold over 2.3 million copies. Sony was determined to strengthen the hold that they had on the gaming market. At the beginning of this years holiday season they had almost doubled their base instalment for the Playstation 2 at the same time last year.

As Sony was dominating the video game market in the 1990s another giant of technology was getting worried. Microsoft realised that the video game market was starting to threaten the computing market and as Microsoft relied on this for most of their revenues they had to find a way to ensure that their power in the world of technology was not lost. Microsoft launched its first games console the Xbox. The Xbox was sixth generation console much like the Playstation 2. As Microsoft had not made a games console before they were already at a disadvantage to Sony. The Xbox cost $179 al most exactly the same as the Playstation 2. Microsoft had been watching the gaming market for a while and realised that the online feature was a key subject and they should try to make more use of that feature than Sony had. Now that the Xbox had online compatibility it could start to wage war on Sony and the Playstation. Although Microsoft tried to make full use of the online feature of gaming they fell short of the Playstation. The Xbox had 500,000 online gamers. Microsoft made the mistake of charging money for this online feature $69.99 for initial charge and then an annual fee of $49.99. As this part of Microsoft’s plan to surpass the Playstation failed they needed to release a gaming series that would win the market for them. Soon the Halo series was released and this was such a gaming series. Also this gaming series was exclusive to the Xbox so Playstation owners could not buy it as most of the games were released for both the Playstation and the Xbox. Halo sold 637,000 copies and then the sequel Halo 2 sold 8 million copies as of may 9th 2006. Microsoft repeatedly delayed the release of the Xbox due to their nerves of releasing their first games console. In North America alone the Xbox sold 3.4 million consoles and had a base instalment of 8.5 million consoles.

With Microsoft releasing a popular console the pressure was on Sony to release a console that was even better than the Playstation 2. This was going to be a difficult task as the Playstation 2 was the most popular console of its time. Needless to say Sony achieved this task and it was a huge success. The Playstation 3 was released at seven o’clock on the 11th November 2006 in Japan 81,639 Playstation 3’s were sold in just 24 hours. The Playstation 3 is a seventh generation console with a 3.2 GHz central processing unit and a Blu-Ray DVD player. The Playstation 3 was delayed for several months due to problems with the Blu-Ray DVD player. Sony wanted to perfect the Blu- Ray DVD player because it was cheaper buying a Playstation 3 than it was to buy a Blu-Ray DVD player separately. With the Xbox offering online gaming the Playstation 3 hade no choice if it still wanted to control the video gaming market. As with the Playstation 2 the online gaming function was free. Although in Japan the selling of the Playstation 3 was relatively peaceful the same could not be said for the North American release. Reports of violence included a customer shot, campers robbed at gunpoint, customers shot in a drive-by shooting with BB guns, and 60 campers fighting over just 10 systems. This was partly good news as it showed the determination of some people to get the new Playstation which meant that it must have been an exceedingly good console. The European sales were not as dramatic but a record 600,000 units were sold in the first two days of the European launch. “The PS3 is the best designed and prepared for the digital networked future,” Sony spokesman Jonathan Fargher spoke these words at the coveted E3 gaming show. This shows how confident Sony feels about how well the Playstation 3 will dominate the video gaming market. With the Xbox releasing exclusive games the Playstation had to retaliate and released several games which included Resistance: Fall of Man, Motorstorm which was Playstation 3’s top selling game with 3.31 million copies sold and the God of War series. The God of War series was the first video game to include “mini-games” using the triangle, circle, square and X buttons. This was such a good idea that countless other games have taken up this idea. The Playstation 3 uses a Sixaxis/DualShock 3 controller system. The sixaxes feature is designed so that when the controller is moved the characters in the games move without any buttons being pressed. Some games, such as Lair, have been developed around this feature.

Sony had once again released a console that had surpassed all others so once again Microsoft had to combat Sony on the ground that Microsoft were weaker in. The Xbox360 was launched before the Playstation 3 and there fore sold more consoles than any other in a single year and was launched in 36 different countries. The Xbox360 was released on November 22, 2005, in the United States and Canada; December 2, 2005, in Europe and December 10, 2005, in Japan. The Xbox360 is a seventh generation console much like the Playstation 3 and is by far Microsoft’s greatest console to date. Many Xbox360 owners claim that the Xbox360 is superior because the Playstation 3 was delayed in its launch. Although this was the case in North America 10 Xbox360’s caught fire due to glitches in the system. The halo series was continued through the Xbox360 in the form of Halo 3 which sold 8.1 million (as of January 3, 2008). Microsoft continued in making gamers pay for online usage and although the Xbox360 is cheaper than the Playstation 3 online fees roughly make the prices the same. The Xbox360 can play DVD’s but cannot play Blu-Ray DVD’s. This could become problematic for Microsoft as DVD’s are becoming obsolete and only Blu-Ray DVD’s will be sold. The electronics company Toshiba have already stopped selling normal DVD’s. The Xbox360 does not have sixaxes controllers but like the Playstation 3 the controllers are wireless. Unlike the Playstation 3 the Xbox360 is available in different packages like the elite package for the “hardcore” gamers and the bare-console package which does not include a game which the normal packages do include. The Xbox360 releases were completely safe and no reports of violence were recorded.

The facts listed cannot tell us the greater console. The console with the most sales and gamers is the Playstation. The Playstation’s online gaming takes longer to load by a couple of minutes but is free. The superior console is the Playstation 3 in terms o it specs but in terms o one off value the Xbox 360 wins. Could I just say kudos the my friend babba who has put great input into the writing of this post.


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