04 January 2010

Google Doodle for 4th January - Isaac Newton Animated Logo!

Google always posts edited logos on Search for every special occasion you can think of. But today they've done something that nobody expected. They've posted an animated logo.

A couple of weeks ago Google introduced a fade effect into their homepage so that only the regular logo and search bar are visible until you move you mouse and then everything else fades in.

Here's the logo before the fade effect:

And here's after the fade effect:

The apple falls from the top to the bottom. This is all to commemorate the birthday of Sir Isaac Newton, after the myth that an apple fell on his head. Whether or not this is true is obviously a conspiracy.

This has caused quite a stir on Twitter. 'Animated Logo' is a trending topic and you can check out what people have been saying here. It'll probably climb to the top by the end of the day.

Also, see all of Google's past Doodle's on their Twitpic feed.


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