10 May 2010

Smartphones made into smartbooks

The new Sony P has just been announced and it has a lot of smartphone features, such as an accelerometer, GPS and 3G as well as a 64GB flash drive (although these should be in more laptops, I think) and Bluetooth, WiFi and it weighs, you'd better believe it, just over 600 grams. This is quite incredible for a laptop which weighs just over twice the weight of some phones. It has a webcam to go alongside its 3G so this is a true portable Skype video conferencer that the iPad should have been but isn't.
The screen is 1600x768 which isn't bad for something this size at only 8". It is also a great portable multimedia player with a partitioned hard drive giving it a quick start up time if you're only using media. XrossMediaBar is its actual name, but that's not very catchy but the OS of it looks like a PSP so thing of it as a super-sized PSP. Available in white, black, red or green, and costing £919, this isn't a bad deal for those looking for the ultimate portable laptop.



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