03 May 2010

I witnessed a tragedy...

It's terrible to see expensive items break. Especially when it's on a long contract and will be costly to replace. Luckily, this didn't happen to me, but it did to someone I saw when I was out. That someone had an iPhone 3GS, 16GB in black. It was nice, and she obviously took good care because there wasn't a scratch or bump on it.

However, one moment's lapse of concentration, and it was all history. That was because she dropped it. Her hands were pretty full with a drink and she reached for her iPhone in her bag and it slipped and fell. A couple of gasps from people around later and the iPhone was doomed to be unusable. The screen was completely smashed. It had a huge crack down the middle and part of it was even missing. This is a tragedy, but it is a lesson to all of us touchscreen owners that we must be aware of letting our gadgets fall to the ground and break.

This isn't the first time I've seen it happen, a friend of mine at school had an iPod Touch, notice use of the past participle there. It smashed when he... left it in his bag. It's a terrible excuse, but trainers proved to be deadly and his 16GB iPod Touch had a smashed screen. Apple store asked £150 for a replacement screen so he told them to get stuffed and he got a refurbished one. This brings it down to earth at how easy these capacitive screens are to break.


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