30 May 2010

Future of the Xbox: Part 1

With Robbie Blake leaving Microsoft, the future of the Xbox must look bleak. He was the pioneer of the Xbox and surely, without him, it'll lose innovation and turn into... well, the PS3: a device that was once ground breaking but now just isn't that exciting. Microsoft now don't have a prolific character who can be decisive for the future of the Xbox. Now, without Blake's presence, one could argue that the Xbox will be doomed.

With senior officials at Microsoft now reporting to Ballmer directly, the middle man - who was needed at Microsoft - is now gone and Microsoft may pay the cost. Despite the success of the Xbox 360 and games like COD Modern Warefare 2, the fortunes could change very quickly (remember Windows Mobile?) and this could spell disaster for the Xbox.

Ballmer can't possibly keep the Xbox progressing, so without Blake, the Xbox is certainly doomed for failure. In Part 2 I'll look at how the Xbox could possibly achieve greater things.


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