17 April 2010

Famous people who've tweeted James

Over time on twitter people get many tweets from people they would describe as "famous". I am lucky enough to have been tweeted by one of these "famous" people: Jason Bradbury. In this tweet he said, to me:
@jamesb94 ah the mysteries of my geek life :-)
 Now, I know this isn't much in comparison to some people who've had decent conversations with "famous" people, but it is something! In case you're wondering what that reply was about, he was testing the Vodafone iPhone 3GS the day before its launch and I had asked him how he had it a day early. I've got another: Vodafone UK. In a tweet to me, they said:
@jamesb94 Any new phones that we confirm will be joining us will get updated here - http://bit.ly/bH7wK2^KD
 The story of these tweets started when Vodafone offered the chance to win a free HTC Magic; to which I responded
@VodafoneUK the magic is old news. what about the legend?
So then they sent me the link about up and coming phones. Which is rather useless for me since I've just upgraded to the Samsung H1. As you can see above, I'm jamesb94 on twitter so feel free to follow me.

Another famous figure has tweeted me: mflow! Ok, they are a rising music service; much like Spotify and Last.fm. I tweeted - not directly to them- that I wished mflow would sync to last.fm like Spotify did. Well, look what came back pretty soon after
@jamesb94 you won't have to wait too long ;)

So, that brings the count up to 3 now. Impressive or what?


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