03 April 2010

Chris Pirillo + iPad App = ?

 Chris Pirillo is making the jump from your PC to the iPad. One clever developer who tends to use his IRC chatroom quite a bit, has invented an iPad app which not only displays Chris’ live feed but also embeds the IRC client adjacently. It’s quite remarkable. For those of you who aren’t as familiar with Chris’ live feed as I am, it’s more or less a single webcam pointed at one area in his house constantly. If you’re lucky you’ll catch him talking about tech live over the web.

There are some really neat tricks up this app’s sleeve.

  • In portrait, the live stream will appear above the IRC chatroom. Flip the iPad into landscape and the two elements will appear side by side.
  • If you’re not bothered about the chatroom and just want to watch Chris you can view him in full-screen without the IRC client getting in your way.
  • If you are interested in the chatroom you’ll be pleased to hear that it’s very highly customizable with font colors, background colors, text sizes and optional notifications.
  • In some cases a fellow IRC user may share a link. If you tap this link you won’t have to leave the application because it will appear inside a browser window inside of the app!
  • If you’re a moderator or channel operator there are special controls set aside for you to keep those spammers in order.
  • If someone private messages you a pop-up alert will appear asking you whether you wish to accept the request, ignore it, or even block the person permanently. Accept and you’ll be taken to a whole other area beside the main IRC chatroom to participate in the PM session.

Fans of Chris who are also future iPad owners will be pleased.

It’s worthy mentioning that the app has yet to be completed but the development stage is well underway. No word on pricing yet but if Chris sticks to his guns it’ll be completely free. He doesn’t charge for viewing his live feed or participating in IRC if we’re doing it via the web so why would that theology alternate just because it’s on the iPad? Just one little problem though. As Chris makes clear in his own article about the iPad app he is about to star in…

It needs a name. Suggestions?


Steve :)

Read on TOAOSW.


James said...

How about...

The Chris Pirillo App for iPad. A catchy name which I think will catch on.

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