I'm afraid that I have given in to the amazing reviews of Chrome and downloaded it. The previous problems I had with Chrome are now gone and I am loving using it. The only difficulty I have is that I have the portable version which means I can use Chrome at school instead of the dreaded IE 6. I might download full fat Chrome for use at home but I might not bother. Right, now I shall show you just how much of a difference Chrome makes. Below are two screenshots of the homepage (before this post was published, duh...) and feel free to compare them. First up is Chrome, then Firefox.
As you can see Chrome manages to cut out a lot of unwanted/unused icons that Firefox has. Strangely, though, Firefox actually shows more of the webpage, but I can easily zoom out on Chrome if need be. As well as looking visually better, Chrome is significantly quicker than even Mozilla. So, I am now a recommender of Chrome. So go on, don't be afraid, get it!
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