01 January 2010

Happy New Year from Google

A week or two ago I wrote about one of Google's many easter eggs - if you clicked the 'I'm Feeling Lucky' button without typing anything into the search box, a countdown would appear showing you the amount of seconds until the new year.

Now that the new year is upon us Google has gone a step further.

First of all, and most obviously, they've posted a Google Doodle to welcome the new decade in which fireworks are exploding around Big Ben:

Also... if you click the 'I'm Feeling Lucky' button without typing anything in the search box now, lots of sparkly fireworks will explode onto the page and you'll be welcomed a happy new year!

Admin Note

I will soon be writing some more posts soon but due to technical difficulties I'm afraid to report that there may be a short delay. My laptop repetitively crashes and I may have to fix that problem before the posts appears. But I wish you a happy near year all the same!


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