12 January 2010

Facebook Tips & Tricks #2 – Chat Emoticons

Facebook Chat has more emoticons than people think so to enlighten you all to what you’re missing out on I’ve decided to compile a list. Here are the shortcuts for each emoticon with a little image of each.

Penguin – The New Kid In Town
Fullscreen capture 12012010 052849 PM.bmp  <(“)
Shark – Came Just Before The Penguin
Fullscreen capture 12012010 053241 PM.bmp (^^^)
Putnam – Infamous Facebook Engine Chris Putnam
Fullscreen capture 12012010 053438 PM.bmp :putnam:
‘Hey! I heard you were a random kinda girl? Well I’m a random kinda guy!’
Fullscreen capture 12012010 053739 PM.bmp >:O
‘Sorry… hey, mind if I take you out for a coffee?’
Fullscreen capture 12012010 054051 PM.bmp O.o
‘I’ll let you kiss me after!’
Fullscreen capture 12012010 054235 PM.bmp :*
‘Scared you might like it?’
Fullscreen capture 12012010 054655 PM.bmp ;)
‘I was just kidding’
Fullscreen capture 12012010 054737 PM.bmp :P
‘Reject? Who told you that?! I’m the coolest kid in my school!’
Fullscreen capture 12012010 054758 PM.bmp 8-|
‘Take my sunglasses off? No problem!’
Fullscreen capture 12012010 054821 PM.bmp :)
‘No need to thank me!’
Fullscreen capture 12012010 054843 PM.bmp ^_^
‘Flirting with you? Yeah… sorry… I know I don’t stand a chance’
Fullscreen capture 12012010 055136 PM.bmp :(
‘What if I was a robot? I heard you’re into metal!’
Fullscreen capture 12012010 060206 PM.bmp :|]
‘Why am I? Why am I flirting?' Because I love you of course’
Fullscreen capture 12012010 055152 PM.bmp <3
‘I play a lot of Pacman!’
Fullscreen capture 12012010 055214 PM.bmp :v
‘Because admittedly I’m a bit of a gaming nerd’
Fullscreen capture 12012010 055246 PM.bmp 8)
‘You are as well? What a surprise!’
Fullscreen capture 12012010 060556 PM.bmp :O
‘Stalker? What makes you think that?’
Fullscreen capture 12012010 055304 PM.bmp :/
Fullscreen capture 12012010 055327 PM.bmp >:-(
‘Sorry. About my outburst. You just bring out the devil in me’
Fullscreen capture 12012010 055343 PM.bmp 3:)
‘I give up… I’m not gonna get anywhere with you… I’m just gonna be myself…’
Fullscreen capture 12012010 055418 PM.bmp :’(
‘Be myself? You like that idea?’
Fullscreen capture 12012010 061410 PM.bmp :3
‘You’ll go out with me now?!?’
Fullscreen capture 12012010 055517 PM.bmp :D
‘I won’t tell if you don’t!’
Fullscreen capture 12012010 055531 PM.bmp O:)
If you’re using Chrome there is a great little extension available for free download and installation. Not only will this make your entire social network look a whole lot better. It will also add an emoticon bar into the chat feature for easy insertion.
Download and install it here.


bob said...

i never knew about putman!

WWPAULJD said...

hahaa,,,,, very cool man,.

SteveWiilliams said...

@Bob :) There's a few new ones added every so often

Anonymous said...

Finally a Chrome extension to easily use the Facebook emoticons:

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