Assassins Creed II for the Xbox 360 and PS3 is undoubtedly better than the first and all in all a fantastic game. Now to be honest i spend a fair amount of time gaming but i dont take it to serioously and in actual fact im pretty bad at it...But this only took me around 7 hours gameplay to complete! Appalling if im honest consider i forked out £39.99 for it, and now im done with it. On the upside it has a great story mode and is in 15th century Italy with a similiar style play to first edition. A nice touch is the well integrated free run mode for you character and riddles you must solve to complete the game. But throughout I felt I was being told a story than playing a game. Nevermind the feeling that it was a bit of Grand Theft Auto rip off! The most adequate summary of this game i can give is enjoyable but dont be surprised if your back at your local game shop a week later after picking up an easy 1000 gamerscore or a platinum trophy.
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