Pictured above is the digital comics page in Media Go. It is for the PSP which you need software update 6.20 for. There is a nice selection of comics to choose from, but I don't understand SONY's reasoning for this.
You see, they have an e-reader. And why would they make the PSP challenge something they want to sell. I know they are trying to increase the value of the PSP against the iPod touch which seems to be dominating but I don't see the point. I also think they are going to sell very few of these comics. You are going to have to be a die hard fan of both comics and psp to want to buy these comics (which are £1.19). I personally won't be buying any of them, but comment below if you are, have, or aren't going to, or if you just want to get your views heard on the internet.
I hate this idea.
It's a step further into stealing content that actually belongs to people who most likely don't want it available on these platforms.
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