30 November 2009

iPhone 4G on the way?

This could well be the iPhone 4G.

It is flying around the web and rumours are not stopping.

It is said to have a 1GHz Snapdragon processor.

Let's hope it has a decent camera and multi-tasking.

What do you want in it? Comment below


SteveWiilliams said...

I want less hype and more substance. I want Apple to stop trying to make out that the iPhone is the best while you can get more for less. I want a camera that actually manages 8MP instead of the sub-standard 3MP they foolishly decided to put in. I want multitasking like the Palm Pre, video calling, a less-ridiculous pile of censorship cutting out the hard work of so many countless developers, I want less of this monopolistic iTunes exclusivity, I want less of the glitches, I want less of the viruses, I want a stronger chassis. I want... the phone that does everything and is perfect.

Michael said...

That image was circulating around the same time as the iPhone 3G's rumours. Apple won't be releasing an iPhone 4G until LTE has been commercially launched and has become an established technology, which is a long way off. The next iPhone will probably use the same cellular chipset as the iPhone 3G S, which is HSDPA 7.2Mbps, but they might introduce HSUPA. I'm not sure whether Apple would use a processor made by Qualcomm seeing as Apple acquired ARM in the last few years, which suggests they're more likely to stick to ARM for the time being. I'd imagine the next iPhone will have a 5MP sensor and RFID capabilities, but other than these, we will have to wait and see!

Anonymous said...

This is just a shitty photoshop of an iPod touch. How can anyone be this naive to think official pictures of the thing exist when Apple has such tight security protocols.

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