Google may own most of the market share in internet search engines at 80%, but that hasn't stopped Yahoo! and Microsoft from trying to defeat them. Together they have made a monster search engine called Bing, which until today had a Beta tag on it. From today onwards it is fully functioning. It works with twitter so you can see what is happening in the world as it happens, but that is the same as Google. My favourite feature of it is the weather, say I type in "weather for manchester" into the search web bar, the automatic one, I receive first on the list a great weather forecast from Foreca, a big name in the business. I tried the same for Google and the differences are astounding, down below are some snapshots of them. Click on them for larger images.
Bing result:

Google search:

In my opinion Bing is a failure...
So it should have replaced the beta tag with a 'worsa' tag, if you know what I mean ;)
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