13 October 2009

A gamers best friend: Master Chief Helmet Tutorial

Halo gamers remember all your dreams about one day becoming master chief, now you can with the wonderful japanese programme known Pepakura. first of all if you wish to make the helmet or the full armour or your own wear for halloween or such like then start by typing into google.com "pepakura designer" and downloading the shareware version which is free :) Then proceed by installing and go back to google and type in "halo costumes" wiki bringing to a website which has all the relevant pepakura files known. Scroll down to the piece of armour you wish to make and in this case we are going to download the Mark VI file from the 405th.com mirror. Once downloaded open it with pepakura and it should show on the left a 3d view of your item and a print preview of the pieces on the right, size these appropriately to your specifications and print out on card stock but if you can't get that try normal paper. Then cut out all the tiny pieces using preferably an exacto knife but can be done with scissors. After you've cut it all out, stick the piece together by matching one number with another a sticking the tabs toether. Please note this will take a very long time but once you have done it should resemble the Mark VI helmet. So your basic shape is done, now you must fiberglass the inside o your model. ONLY THE INSIDE. Google how to fiberglass for more info. The bondo the whole piece and coat in a layer of primer. After this is done you are free to paint in which ever colour you please but for an authentic master chief look try olive green spray paint and black for a battle hardened look. Now, you can put a reflective visor inside the large gap and your done. Other accessories can be added such as LEDs. If you would like more info on this check out the very helpful forum on 405th.com or the multiple youtube videos on this suubject. The full suit is ideal for a geeky halloween costume. Good luck spartan soldier!


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