22 September 2009

Top Asus eee pc 701 hacks and mods WITH LINKS!

I would consider myself quite the Asus hobbyist/fan, to start the asus eee pc 701 was the netbook that carved a way through the market be sold as a low cost, ultra portable laptop. This as many of you may be aware comes with it's problems:
1.The screen is tiny (only 7") 2. The keyboard is very cramped 3.The hard drive capacity is a mear 4 gigabytes or 2 gigabytes - useless if you wish to do any serious work or play 4. The stock ram memory is only 512 megabytes 5. The operating system on the majority of eee pc's is a custom distro of linux, this can be a bit of a problem if you have other computing devices optimized for windows or mac.

All of these problems can be solved, firstly the issues of the tiny screen could be solved the way one hacker did by replacing the the 7" screen with the larger 9" model from the big brother of the 701, the eee pc 901. After some tinkering with the bios your problem is solved..for more info click here.
Fixing the problem of the cramped keyboard can only be solved through attaching a wired or wireless external keyboard, my recommendations being the apple wireless keyboard.
The miniscule storage space is possibly the biggest downside in this ultra portable piece of kit, assuming your model of the eee pc was the first batch made, then installing extra solid state drives into the mini pci-e slot should be relatively easy..for more info click here. If you are one of the unfortunate ones such as myself who does not have the internal pci slots then you can either solder the slots in or your best bet ywould be to invest in a good external hard drive enclosure such as a Western Digital "My Book".
With the stock ram memory being similiar to that of a up market cellular/smart phone then it is a necessity to change especially if you are wishing to run a full distro of windows xp. This is only a slight inconvinience as all you simple do is buy larger ram and open up the back and install. Job done eh ;)
Finally, lets face it linux isnt the most functional operating system in terms of compatibility( please note i fully support free software and am not putting it down in anyway) so for the majority of users xp is the best option. Unfortunately, the eee pc lacks a disc drive so the conventional intstall is impossible, furthermore it is impossible as the ssd is to small to house a full install of win xp service pack 2. This means a user is left only to cut down the install using the programme nlite and then install it via a bootable usb flash drive..for more info click here.
I do hope some of these suggestion s have either given you some inspiration or have help if so please comment :) any questions feel free to post a comment or ping me on twitter @MatthewRory


Anonymous said...

what makes me laugh is poeple can use ultraiso and rip cd contents to a pen drive then install software from the pen drive, you dont need a cd drive

Anonymous said...

what makes me laugh is poeple can use ultraiso and rip cd contents to a pen drive then install software from the pen drive, you dont need a cd drive

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